Thursday 14 August 2014


Oh what a lovely weekend.

On Saturday Matt had to sort out some stuff with our car (an ongoing hassle thanks to unscrupulous car salesmen - who'd a thunk it, eh?) so Matilda and I went to rhyme time at Woolwich Library. Unfortunately she was more interested in running around the shelves and pressing her face up against the floor length windows than she was in singing. 

Once we were done there was still no word from Matt so we jumped on a bus up to the Maryon Wilson animal park and saw some pigs, ducks and deer. We also picked some blackberries! Yum! 

On Sunday we went to see Matt's friend and his family, they have two little girls, one is two and the other eight weeks. So cute! I loved watching Matilda and Iona play together, repeatedly kissing and falling into peals of hysterical laughter. Iona doing the wiggle dance and shouting at Matilda to 'come on! Wiggle!!'was very funny. We had a lovely Sunday lunch out before driving home. 


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